2007 | A psychological thriller about a man hitting his breaking point.
I was won a full ride scholarship to Specs Howard, a grand prize in the Michigan Student Film Festival, through DAFT. Digital Arts Film and Television (formerly Detroit Area Film and Television) what's with everyone changing their names? MYAF Michigan Youth Arts Festival. SAW Student Animation Workshop. I didn't learn much at Specs Howard. Honestly, I did more teaching. I did get to use reel-to-reel machines, one of the last classes to do so. The were getting rid of them, there was a huge pile of reel-to-reel machines, I should have just taken one. Anyway, I failed the English portion in my first semester. Almost said screw it. I pretty vividly remember talking to my best friend Brian about it (see Brian Idol, It's 4 You, Band Videos, etc.) and he along with everyone else, tole me to go back. And it's so good that I did go back, because in my new class, was Andy. An all-around awesome dude. We pretty instantly clicked and became really good friends. To think if I hadn’t failed English, or worse if I hadn’t sucked it up and gone back, I wouldn't have my friend... sad. See kids, cheat on your first spelling test! U wernt bee erbl two spll fer notting, but it'll all work out. ;) So these are the shenanigans that I got up to while at Specs Howard.
2007 | A psychological thriller about a man hitting his breaking point.
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