2007 | A psychological thriller about a man hitting his breaking point.
psychological thriller, tragedy
These are the various logos that I made for my "company" NickelPRODUCTIONS Studios. Well the first ones were for "NickelPRODUCTIONS" Once I added the "Studios" and came up with the giant rolling nickel concept, I knew I struck gold. There are also a few animated client logos that I have done.
2007 | A psychological thriller about a man hitting his breaking point.
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Sed nisl arcu euismod sit amet nisi lorem etiam dolor veroeros et feugiat.
Sed nisl arcu euismod sit amet nisi lorem etiam dolor veroeros et feugiat.
Sed nisl arcu euismod sit amet nisi lorem etiam dolor veroeros et feugiat.